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Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education learning and development is fundamental to the children’s developmental journey, their understanding of the world around them and their recognition of their own self-worth as a citizen. 


We cover all aspects of the statutory and non-statutory guidance on the strands linked to PSHE to ensure all pupils are the most knowledgeable, confident and self-fulfilled individuals they can be. We aim for our children to know more, understand more and remember more about themselves and the world around them. 


We recognise that PSHE is a vital part of our curriculum and is taught by class teachers through half-termly Personal Development days and on a weekly/fortnightly basis through PSHE lessons as well as providing opportunities to make cross curricular links.


The three pillars of our PSHE curriculum are based around: Life in the Wider World; Health and Wellbeing; and Relationships. We follow the Torbay Healthy Learning Resource, which addresses the needs of the pupils in Torbay and supports them to be able to thrive both, in our locality and the wider world. 

