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OSF Meetings


Dear Parents / Carers,

OSF Annual General Meeting - It’s time to elect members to Oldway School Fundraisers
Friday 22nd March @ 1.45pm, Conference Room - All welcome!

Come along and find out more about how you can support our fundraising efforts and help to make a positive difference around school. Money raised from our most recent events has helped to fund: 

- New play equipment for KS1
- Lunch time equipment for all children
- Christmas gifts for nursery & reception children
- Christmas party food and treats for all years
- Subsidised Year 6 leavers hoodies
- Funded the recent Year 5 Space Dome visit

We would love to organise more events and raise even more funds to benefit all the children in school, but we are a very tiny committee with an absolutely amazing, BUT small, group of parents who regularly help out at events. We would love for more parents and carers to get involved - many hands make light work!

Please feel free to come along to our meeting, either just to listen, as an interested party, or be ready to join our friendly committee - it’s up to you!
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided!

If you are able to volunteer and give up a few hours of your time here and there, to help organise our various fundraising events we would LOVE to hear from you. Maybe you would even like to take on the official role of Disco Co-Ordinator or become our Festive Fun Christmas Organiser!! OR, maybe you own a business or work for a company that is able to donate a product or service - that would be AMAZING too. We’re thinking: raffle prizes, hire of bouncy castles at the Summer Fair, loan of a slush puppy or candy floss machine for events, can you offer trade prices on food, cakes, drinks etc? Do you have access to decorations to dress the hall for discos? Could you be our next school disco DJ? It would be great if we could utilise and maximise our school network where possible. Maybe you have an idea for a new fundraising event or for an exciting addition to the Summer Fair?

AGM Agenda:
- Welcome
- Agreement of the accounts
- Election of the committee
- Upcoming Events

We hope to see some new faces at our AGM on 22nd March and for anyone who can’t make the meeting but would like to get involved in some way, please get in touch by emailing


Can we also take this opportunity to thank everyone who gets involved in coming along to our events and supporting the School Discos, Summer Fair and Christmas activities - the money you spend at these events and activities funds lots of amazing projects around school.


Upcoming date for your diary:

End of Term Easter Disco - Tuesday 26th March

Years 3 & 4 - 4.15pm - 5.30pm

Years 5 & 6 - 5.45pm - 7.00pm

More info to follow.


Best wishes, OSF Team

Oldway School Fundrasiers meetings - thank you!
A big thank you to the parents and staff who attend our Oldway School Fundraisers meetings.  You can read the minutes of the meeting which outline our current balance, the upcoming fundraising events and activities we are planning for our children this year and how parents and carers can help.  Just click on the Minutes folder above and choose the star folder 2021-22.


Next OSF meeting - save the date
The next meeting is planned for Wednesday 4 May 2022 at 6.30pm (online).  Would be great to see you there!  Click here to join:


Can you help?
We are seeking a Secretary to join the OSF as a Trustee to support our charity work.  Please see the attached info for more information about the role and the skills needed.


Looking to join OSF?  Email: to find out more.  We'd love to meet you!





If you can help us with any of our events, it would be greatly appreciated. We currently have very few volunteers and would like to put on more events than we are able. It can be very rewarding to volunteer at our events, and many of us have made good friendships through our involvement in the Oldway School Fundraisers. We only ask people to give the time they are able and understand, as working parents ourselves, that we can’t be at every event.  If you would like to know how you can help, please come along to our meeting or use this contact form.

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