Oldway’s broad range of clubs offer a great chance for the children to learn skills, have a go at something new or simply build on their existing hobbies. Oldway will have about 30 extra-curricular clubs running at some point during the year.
Oldway has always had a strong sporting tradition. In 2022, our teams were primary school county champions of both netball and cricket. Sports clubs running in 2023/24 include boys’ football, girls’ football, Saints Southwest, archery, yoga, basketball, dance, running, netball and cricket clubs. These give a great opportunity for the children get active as well as offering a chance to explore competition and personal development while putting in place the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.
Oldway is well known for its commitment to the arts. An annual highlight are the shows put on by the ever-popular Performing Arts Club. Other creative clubs running this year include craft, sewing, samba, cookery and two art clubs.
Further breadth is added by reading, poetry, craft, homework, stay and play, chess, Sunshine Club and the Forest School. And for those who fancy trying something unusual, what about giving Korean Club or Astronomy Club a go?
You can get further information about the clubs operating each term, and which year groups they cover, from the school office.
Please note, clubs change term-to-term based on the weather, available space and staff interests and expertise. Clubs run by external providers, or which require specific resources, may incur a small charge.
Joe Harris Drum Tuition