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Curriculum Overview

Oldway Curriculm Aims


The aim of Oldway Primary School is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, with high aspirations and the skills to make a positive contribution to their community. 

We aim to provide a curriculum which is enriching and challenging, where children experience the opportunity to learn in a wide range of contexts with meaningful outcomes.  The curriculum has been designed so that it:


  • supports pupils' personal development;
  • develops a love of learning;
  • prepares pupils for work and lifelong learning;
  • develops children as global citizens.

Curriculum, Learning and Teaching

     At Oldway, the curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning; provide first hand learning experiences; allow the children to develop interpersonal skills; build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. We believe that children learn best when the curriculum has coherence and content is sequenced to support conceptual understanding.  We believe practice is important to support deep learning and pupils are given regular opportunities to practise and apply what they know. Regular opportunities are planned for pupils to learn from each other/construct understanding together through coaching, discussion, paired talk and presentation.

    The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge and concepts. We constantly provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning through visiting experts and external visits. Engagement with our local environment is an essential part of our curriculum and as a sea-side town we seek to utilise this local resource whenever appropriate.

    Our curriculum design is underpinned by our school values: Aspiration, Responsibility and Kindness.

    Our aim is that children leave our school with a sense of belonging to a community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.


    Curriculum organisation


    Nursery and Reception classes in the Foundation Stage follow a distinctive Early Years Curriculum. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is divided into seven areas of learning; Personal Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Each area of learning is planned so that children have continuous access both inside and out. Specific skills involving reading, writing and maths are taught through daily, whole class, as well as small group, activities and children’s progress is monitored both through observation during adult led and child-initiated activities.


    The National Curriculum applies to pupils of compulsory school age and is taught from Year 1. It consists of core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science as well as Religious Education.  Mathematics is taught through a mastery approach, which we are developing through participation in the national Teaching for Mastery research programme. This approach is built upon a belief that all pupils can achieve in maths and learning is planned to take small conceptual steps, with tasks designed to promote thinking, reasoning and problem-solving. 


    Oldway prides itself on its broad and balanced curriculum and strives for excellence in all areas. Foundation subjects including Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Music and PE are also taught on a regular basis, with specialist teachers employed to teach art, music and PE in some year groups. As part of our school philosophy, we run a programme of Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE), which includes Relationships Education and Sex Education. Parents may withdraw their children from Sex Education if they wish. In addition, children are given the opportunity to learn a language. Oldway has been recognised for its teaching and learning through a range of awards including Artsmark Platinum.


    It is our policy to entitle every member of our school to equal opportunities in accessing the full curriculum. Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Torbay and Devon Agreed Syllabus. Parents may, if they wish, write to the headteacher to request that their children be wholly or partly excused from attendance at our regular collective worship or religious education.


    Learning is planned in a sequenced curriculum with a driving theme to give learning clear purpose; to support making links across the curriculum and to ensure learning is enhanced through visits within and beyond the local area, visiting experts etc. This work is celebrated through our INSITE days, where parents are invited to come into school and work alongside their children.


    Throughout Key Stage 2, pupils have the opportunity to take part in residential activities. 

    In recent years these have included:

    a night at Warren Barn, Cockington

    a night at the Eden Project

    an  Art Residential for several days

    a week of outdoor adventure at Heatree Activity Centre, Dartmoor


    As children progress through the school, they are encouraged to supplement their learning with home learning. Initially, this will take the form of regular reading at home and, as children progress through the school, will include regular  English and maths activities and occasionally more in-depth research projects. Parents are kept informed about their child’s schoolwork through termly Parents’ Evenings and regular bulletins outlining curriculum coverage.



    If you would like to find out more about our Curriculum, please visit the Riviera Education Trust website to view the Curriculum Statements of intent by clicking here
