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Welcome from the Head of School

Welcome to the Oldway Primary School. We are excited to be launching our new school values in Autumn 2023: Aspiration, Responsibility and Kindness. These values are fundamental to all aspects of school life, for both children and staff, and we look forward to celebrating them during the year. We aspire to be the the best we can be, whatever our role; we aim for all members of our school community to be responsible citizens and we promote kindness in our community at all times. 


Our aim is for Oldway pupils to be the best they can be, both academically and personally. Our curriculum is enriching and challenging with reading, writing and maths at the core. We aim to broaden children’s horizons through a carefully planned and sequenced curriculum. Trips, visitors and experiences are woven through our curriculum to ensure that our children have a sound understanding of the world and have aspirations for later life. Children’s wellbeing is vital to their success and wellbeing is our priority. 


Oldway is a popular school which serves the local community in Paignton, South Devon, and is part of the Riviera Education Trust.  As a large primary school, we have an extensive and experienced staff, a great deal of expertise and provide a vibrant learning experience. The facilities at Oldway are excellent, with a swimming pool, dedicated spaces for art and music, extensive grounds for outdoor learning and easy access to both the grounds of Oldway Mansion and the beach. 
It is our privilege to educate the children in our locality and we are very much looking forward to the year ahead. We aim for excellence and enjoyment within our learning community and seek to ensure that this is each child’s experience. Our website will give you a flavour of our school and visits are welcomed should you wish to join our school community. 









Emma Bamber
Head of School

See what Oldway has to offer!

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